Bootstrap your experience, platforms, and teams.
The Challenge
The Adobe Experience Cloud is a unique set of highly complex marketing tools with unlimited potential to transform your organization but, architecting, implementing and building on Adobe takes nuance, creative thinking, and deep experience with the platform. When it comes to AEM Sites implementations these are some of the biggest challenges we’ve witnessed organizations face...

Project on-boarding, scaling, modularization, and component architecture flexibility to handle new initiatives

Siloed, duplicative components with little to no code re-use or sharing

Delivering new features quickly, effectively & continuously

Enforcing consistency and maximizing the re-use of code and components across multiple teams and projects

Leveraging and enforcing best practices and patterns

AEM Initialyzer

A solid foundation for delivering digital experiences

AEM Initialyzer is an AEM Sites Accelerator framework built on top of WCM Core components. It includes over 50+ advanced, themeable, atomic components addressing some of the the most common usecases and, can provide a solid foundation for building and delivering consistent digital experiences quickly. The AEM Initialyzer components encapsulate the leading best practices, patterns and approaches including Design System thinking, accessibility, datalayer, component documentation and more serving as a reference implementation. With our Initialyzers we strive to align and, address the needs of the entire digital marketing team including Content, UX, Creative & Technology stakeholders.


Faster Time to Market


Reduced AEM Implementation Cost

Plug & Play

Start Building Experiences


Advanced Components

Being an Adobe Silver & Specialized Partner means that we have met a number of stringent requirements, including two specializations and 34 Adobe credentials in Adobe Experience Cloud across multiple regions.

Catch Up. Keep Up. Pull Ahead.

Speed up your AEM project with a well documented library of components

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Comprehensive Component Library

Our component library consists of a number of thoroughly tested, well-documented components that can be leveraged to bootstrap your digital experience.

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Page Description


A mature library of components with advanced features to serve as a foundation to bootstrap your AEM Sites Implementation


Re-usable and Intuitive Components

Enable Self-Service for your authoring team

Intuitive, Easy to Use & High Quality Components

Leverage AEM Style System for variations

Highly Accessible & Analytics Ready using data layer


Component Documentation

A living documentation site serving as a foundation for QA automation and guide for your entire team

Documentation Site built in AEM with the special documentation components

Each component is well-documented including features, demo’s & design variations

Documentation catered for multiple teams including authors, ux, qa & developers


Design System Ready

Build consistent experiences and make global changes quickly

Every component adheres to and supports a design system implemented via AEM Style System

Simplified Authoring - Separation of functional features in dialogs while design related attributes managed via AEM Style System

See it in action

Watch a 60 second demo

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How AEM Initialyzer Can Help You?
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Build Fast

Based on Adobe’s Digital Foundation Blueprint, Cloud Services Ready. Supports Localization, Personalization, Analytics, Style system, and more.

Design System

AEM Initialyzers showcase how you can implement your design system in AEM. Deliver consistent and satisfying experiences that are easy to build and update.

Unlimited Possibilities

Launch full featured Event Gateways, Resource Centers, Blogs, and more with ready to use frameworks with search, sort, filtering and content gating capabilities.

Easy & Intuitive Experience

Over 50+ ready to use components that are very intuitive for marketers with support for multiple display variations and can be themed, adapted, or extended quickly.


A documentation site plus a rich set of documentation components. A special purpose demo component allows you to showcase demo’s & preview component properties, markup, and even dialog for a given instance of component


Every component is easily extensible and provided as open-source allowing you to extend and customize it in a variety of ways as per your needs.

Related Solutions

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BlogPlus for AEM Sites is a collection of blog templates and components that enable Blog Authoring, Detail Pages, Metadata, and more!



Spark is collection of leading edge DevOps tools & methods for CI/CD, Container (docker) recipes, Content Backfill Scripts that can streamline AEM development teams and their workflows.


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